Foto: D. Matvejev
On October 28, at 19 pm, the Lithuanian State Choir Vilnius will visit Estonia to give a concert under their Chief Conductor Artūras Dambrauskas at St Nicholas’ (Niguliste) Church in Tallinn. The colourful programme titled „The Night Serenade“ introduces sacred as well as secular music by the Lithuanian composers such as Vaclovas Augustinas, Vytautas Miškinis, Donatas Zakaras, giving a vivid glimpse to the choir culture and soundscapes of the Lithuanian music world. The programme feature also works by iconic composers, as Arvo Pärt and Alfred Schnittke.
The State Choir Vilnius is one of the most renowned professional choirs in Lithuania, who is characterised by the highest standards of performance, versatility and educational activities. A combination of creativity and professionalism, the ability to get through to diverse audiences are among the Choir’s hallmarks. Its current leader, a famous Lithuanian choir conductor and educator Artūras Dambrauskas, has set the Choir on a new creative trajectory towards innovative, versatile and modern artistic activity. By combining art music and easy listening music in the repertoire, he further reinforces the multifaceted profile of the Choir.
The concert will take place in the frame of collaboration of Baltic states professional choirs. For the first time three professional choirs of the Baltic States make collaboration to celebrate the 30th anniversary of the re-establishment of the Baltic States − Lithuania, Estonia and Latvia. Three choirs − the State Choir Latvija, the State Choir Vilnius and the Estonian Philharmonic Chamber Choir – introduce their choir music in the neighbouring countries giving six concerts in the capitals of the Baltic States.
Tickets 10–15 € avilable at Piletilevi.
The concert is produced in cooperation with the Embassy of the Republic of the Lithuania and Lithuanian Society.
Vaclovas Augustinas (*1959)
“Jerusalem, surge” / “Jeruusalemm, tõuse” (2012)
Tekst: Tenebrae-responsoorium vaikseks laupäevaks (II)
Giedrius Svilainis (*1972)
“Agnus Dei” (2016)
Vytautas Miškinis (*1954)
Viis antifooni teosest “7 O-Antiphonen” (1995–2003), tekst: Magnificati antifoonid
“O Sapientia” / “Oo Tarkus”
“O Radix Jesse” / “Oo Iisai Võsu”
“O Clavis David” / “Oo Taaveti Võti”
“O Oriens” / “Oo Koidusära”
“O Emmanuel” / “Oo Immanuel”
Donatas Zakaras (*1979)
“Pater noster” / “Meie Isa palve” (2018)
Vytautas Miškinis
“Neišeik, saulala” / “Ära jäta mind, päike” (2007), tekst: leedu rahvaluule, Vytautas Miškinis
Donatas Zakaras
“Laiškai Sofijai” / “Kirjad Sofijale” (2011)
Tekst: Mikalojus Konstantinas Čiurlionis, leedu keelde tõlkinud Jonas Vytautas Nistelis
Peteris Plakidis (1947 – 2017)
“In Memoriam” (1990)
Tekst: Bron̦islava Martuževa (Eva Mārtuža) (1924–2012)
Alfred Schnittke (1934–1998)
Kolm vaimulikku koorilaulu (1983)
“Богородице дево, радуйся / “Jumalasünnitaja Neitsi, rõõmusta”
“Господи Иисусе Христе / “Issand Jeesus Kristus”
“Отче наш / “Meie isa”
Arvo Pärt (1935)
„Deer’s Cry“ (2007)
Tekst: Püha Patricku Iorica ehk rinnakilbipalve
Vaclovas Augustinas
“Great Art Thou, o Lord” (2015)
Tekst: Püha Augustinuse (355–430) “Pihtimused” (I raamat, peatükk I)