Friday, 12.01.2024
Klaipeda Concert Hall, Lithuania
Saturday, 13.01.2024 at 18:00
Liepaja Concert Hall, Latvia

Foto: Kaupo Kikkas
Estonian Philharmonic Chamber Choir
Conductor Tõnu Kaljuste
Arvo Pärt
Nunc dimittis
The Deer’s Cry
Dopo la vittoria
Part from „Kanon pokajanen":
Kontakion, Ikos, Prayer after the Canon
Veljo Tormis
Cycle „Kiigelaulud" (Swing Songs):
Kitsas kiik (Narrow Swing), Ilus neiu kiigel (A Pretty Girl on the Swing), Kiigel kartlik (A Timid Girl on the Swing), Õunapuu (Apple Tree)
Cycle „Vastlalaulud“ (Shrovetide Songs):
Vistel-vastel, Liulaskmise laul (Sledding Song)
Cycle „Jaanilaulud“ (St John’s Day Songs):
Kutse jaanitulele I (Call to the midsummer bonfire I), Kutse jaanitulele II (Call to the midsummer bonfire II), Ei ole püssil püütav (Can't Be Caught By a Gun), Jaanihobu (St John’s steed), Jaanilaul (St John’s song)
Raua needmine (Curse Upon Iron)
Conductor Tõnu Kaljuste
Arvo Pärt
Nunc dimittis
The Deer’s Cry
Dopo la vittoria
Part from „Kanon pokajanen":
Kontakion, Ikos, Prayer after the Canon
Veljo Tormis
Cycle „Kiigelaulud" (Swing Songs):
Kitsas kiik (Narrow Swing), Ilus neiu kiigel (A Pretty Girl on the Swing), Kiigel kartlik (A Timid Girl on the Swing), Õunapuu (Apple Tree)
Cycle „Vastlalaulud“ (Shrovetide Songs):
Vistel-vastel, Liulaskmise laul (Sledding Song)
Cycle „Jaanilaulud“ (St John’s Day Songs):
Kutse jaanitulele I (Call to the midsummer bonfire I), Kutse jaanitulele II (Call to the midsummer bonfire II), Ei ole püssil püütav (Can't Be Caught By a Gun), Jaanihobu (St John’s steed), Jaanilaul (St John’s song)
Raua needmine (Curse Upon Iron)