Estonian Philharmonic Chamber Choir
Kaspars Putninš (conductor)
Kadri Voorand (vocal)
Liisi Koikson (vocal)
Jaak Sooäär (quitar)
Paul Daniel (quitar)
The EPCC together with the quartet Voorand-Koikson-Sooäär-Daniel perform works by renowned Estonian choral composer Veljo Tormis (1930-2017), whose works are mainly based on ancient Estonian folk songs. The quartet received the Estonian Folk Grammy as the best new group in 2016.
More: Jazzkaar
Broadcast by the Classic Radio of the Estonian Public Broadcasting in 24 April at Vaba Lava, Tallinn.
Kaspars Putninš (conductor)
Kadri Voorand (vocal)
Liisi Koikson (vocal)
Jaak Sooäär (quitar)
Paul Daniel (quitar)
The EPCC together with the quartet Voorand-Koikson-Sooäär-Daniel perform works by renowned Estonian choral composer Veljo Tormis (1930-2017), whose works are mainly based on ancient Estonian folk songs. The quartet received the Estonian Folk Grammy as the best new group in 2016.
More: Jazzkaar
Broadcast by the Classic Radio of the Estonian Public Broadcasting in 24 April at Vaba Lava, Tallinn.