Release: November 2020
Estonian Philharmonic Chamber Choir
Tallinn Chamber Orchestra
Kadri Toomoja (organ)
Tõnu Kaljuste, conductor
1.-9. „Pirita missa“ segakoorile, orelile ja kammerorkestrile (2009/2020) /
Pirita Mass for mixed choir, organ and chamber orchestra
Jõululaulud / Christmas carols
10. Üks roosike on tõusnud / Lo, How a Rose E’er Blooming
11. Ma tulen taevast ülevalt / From Heaven Above To Earth I Come
12. Kui armsast jõulupuu nüüd hiilgab / How Sweetly Shines the Christmas Tree
13. Maa on nii kaunis / The Land Is So Beautiful
14. Neil karjastel väljal / Shepherds In the Field
15. Oh kuusepuu / Oh Christmas Tree
16. Oh sa õnnistav / Oh How Joyfully
17. Jõulukellad / Christmas Bells
18. Karjased, oh öelge meile / Angels We Have Heard on High
19. Püha öö / Silent Night
Kadri Toomoja (orel/organ)
Eesti Filharmoonia Kammerkoor / Estonian Philharmonic Chamber Choir
Tallinna Kammerorkester / Tallinn Chamber Orchestra
Tõnu Kaljuste (dirigent/conductor)
Christmas album by the Grammy award-winning ensembles the Estonian Philharmonic Chamber Choir and Tallinn Chamber Orchestra under the renowned conductor Tõnu Kaljuste includes the Estonian-language "Pirita Mass” by Margo Kõlar alongside traditional Christmas carols.
The Estonian composer Margo Kõlar has written the “Pirita Mass” originally as a monophony for services at the Pirita Convent in Tallinn. The piece, which mesmerises with its simple beauty, has given a new touch as a version for choir, organ and chamber orchestra. The mass is accompanied by evergreen Christmas carols.
The Estonian Philharmonic Chamber Choir, Tallinn Chamber Orchestra and Tõnu Kaljuste have given concerts together all over the world, including Carnegie Hall, Kennedy Centre, Sydney Opera House, Philharmonie de Paris etc. Their album Arvo Pärt Adam’s Lament (ECM) conducted by Tõnu Kaljuste was awarded the Grammy Award 2014.
The album JÕUL is recommended to listen at a very low volume.